Planning and Scheduling – Routist Work Orders

The Planning and Scheduling - Routist Work Order API is a RESTful web service that enables Routist customers to integrate 3rd party back-office systems with REVEAL to create and manage driver and vehicle specific criteria related to work orders.

In order for users to manage fields specific to Routist, driver and vehicle details have been added to this API that differ from a standard work order for REVEAL.  This will allow driver skills and vehicle capacity requirements to be available and associated with the work order, which will allow the dispatcher to make the most compatible assignment.

Important concepts to understand prior to utilizing any of the available integration methods:

·      Planning and Scheduling – Routist Work Order API is offered as a RESTful web service

·      Standard REST verbs are applied: GET, POST, PUT

o   There are no DELETE methods for the Planning and Scheduling – Routist Work Orders API

·      Throughout this document, we will reference the unique identifier to be invoked for each of the main objects available to be created or deleted.  The unique identifiers used within this API method set include:

o   Work Order Number

o   Driver Number

Note: The returned response will be restricted to the Reveal account's data plan. If the information being queried is outside of the data plan, a "400 Bad Request error "response will be returned.

For more details on your account's data plan please reach out to Verizon Connect Customer Support

API Summary Details

API Name

Planning and Scheduling – Routist Work Orders





Note :The returned response will be restricted to the Reveal account's data plan. If the information being queried is outside of the data plan, a "400 Bad Request error "response will be returned.

For more details on your account's data plan please reach out to Verizon Connect Customer Support


GET Routist Work Orders

The GET Routist Work Orders by Work Order Number method enables integrated users to retrieve all of the data that REVEAL has received related to a specific Routist work order.


GET Routist Work Orders by Work Order Number

GET Routist Work Orders by Work Order Number Request Header

Operation and Path

GET{workordernumber} HTTP/1.1





 Atmosphere atmosphere_app_id=fleetmatics-p-eu-[ Verizon Connect App ID  ], Bearer [Authorization Token]

Note: The Token API must be called in order to retrieve a valid token to provide to all subsequent calls.


GET Routist Work Orders Sample Response

  "WorkOrder":    {

      "ActualDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.84",

      "ActualDurationSeconds": null,

      "Address":       {

         "AddressLine1": "2780 Stillwell Avenue",

         "AddressLine2": "Suite 210",

         "Locality": "Coney Island",

         "AdministrativeArea": "NY",

         "PostalCode": "11224",

         "Country": "USA"


      "AddressResolved": true,

      "CreatedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

      "Description": "Uploaded",

      "DriverNumber": “12345”,

      "Latitude": 40.579506,

      "Longitude": -73.982422,

      "ModifiedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

      "OnSiteDurationSeconds": 0,

      "RadiusInKm": 0.2,

      "RoutingDetails":       {

         "RoutePlanName": null,

         "Capacity1": 75,

         "Capacity2": 1,

         "Capacity3": 10,

         "CustomerName": "",

         "ContactName": "",

         "PhoneNumber": "",

         "Priority": 3,

         "TimeWindowBegin": {

            "Hour": 14,

            "Minute": 0


         "TimeWindowEnd": {

            "Hour": 18,

            "Minute": 0


         "Skills": {





      "ScheduledDateUtc": "2015-04-14T14:11:21",

      "ScheduledDurationSeconds": 600,

      "StatusChangeDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.84",

      "WorkOrderNumber": "7BIGORG4",

      "WorkOrderStatusCode": "Open"


   "_links": {"self": {"href": ""}}



GET Routist Work Orders Response Field Breakdown


[Accepted Format (JSON, XML, etc.)] Formatted Sample

Field Notes and Default Values


"ActualDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.84",


The Actual Date field is used when a PUT is invoked to change the Scheduled Date for a work order. 


"ActualDurationSeconds": null,


REVEAL will calculate the actual duration value based on the status information provided.  If no status information is provided this value may be provided by the work order provider.


"Address": {

         "AddressLine1": "2780 Stillwell   Avenue",

         "AddressLine2": "Suite 210",

         "Locality": "Coney Island",

         "AdministrativeArea": "NY",

         "PostalCode": "11224",

         "Country": "USA"



Address contains the global standards for address components:

·       Address Line 1 – location specific identification such as a house number

·       Address Line 2 – additional information to identify location such as an apartment number

·       Locality – city, town, etc.

·       Administrative Area – state, province, etc.

·       Postal Code

·       Country

Address components are not required if the coordinates are provided for the work order.  If address components and coordinates are both provided, the work order will be created referencing the coordinates.


"AddressResolved": true,

This is a Boolean field.  When retrieving a work order’s details if the work order location was successfully geocoded by Google the flag will be set to true.


"CreatedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

The date and time stamp in UTC that the work order object was created within REVEAL.  The default value will be the current date and time stamp when the work order was invoked.


"Description": "Uploaded",

This is not a required field.  A string may be provided in order to display instructions or notes about the work order to the technician/driver. 


"DriverNumber": “12345”,

The Driver Number is the unique identifier that will be used to reference the driver within the API.  The Driver Number is not a mandatory field within the REVEAL account, but is required for the API.


"Latitude": 40.579506,

Either the Address components or the coordinates must be provided to create a work order.  If both the address and coordinate fields are supplied, the coordinates will be used for reference to geocode the work order’s location.


"Longitude": -73.982422,

Either the Address components or the coordinates must be provided to create a work order.  If both the address and coordinate fields are supplied, the coordinates will be used for reference to geocode the work order’s location.


"ModifiedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

If the work order object is modified after the creation date, the last modified date will be presented within the response.


"OnSiteDurationSeconds": 0,

This is not a required field.  If there is an estimate for the time that the technician should be on site at the work order the value may be provided in seconds.  Following the work order’s completion if status details were provided, this value will be overwritten with the status calculation to determine the on-site duration.


"RadiusInKm": 0.2,

The designated radius in kilometers used to create the radius around the work order.


   "RoutingDetails": {

         "RoutePlanName": null,

         "Capacity1": 75,

         "Capacity2": 1,

         "Capacity3": 10,

         "CustomerName": "",

         "ContactName": "",

         "PhoneNumber": "",

         "Priority": 3,


RoutingDetails contains specific information related to the route criteria for making an assignment:

·       RoutePlanName: Name associated with the work order’s route.

·       Capacity: Capacity fields are the truck limitations set by the customer. A capacity would be a numeric value for a weight limitation or number.  Up to three capacity fields are allowed, but none are required.  Drivers must be assigned to a vehicle to use this field.

·       Customer Name: Name associated with the work order.

·       Contact Name: Point of contact for the associated work order.

·       Phone Number: Phone number associated with the work order.

·       Priority: The ranking of the work order’s importance in relation to other existing work orders.  This will help to establish the order of stops as they are routed.


"TimeWindowBegin": {

            "Hour": 14,

            "Minute": 0


TimeWindowBegin is a threshold of time where the stop’s start time should occur, i.e. the stop should begin between 8 AM and 10 AM.


         "TimeWindowEnd": {

            "Hour": 18,

            "Minute": 0


TimeWindowEnd is a threshold of time where the stop’s end time should occur, i.e. the stop should end between 8 AM and 10 AM.


         "Skills": {






Skills can be associated with a work in order to establish driver-based criteria for when assignments are dispatched.  These attributes help to ensure the driver(s) with the proper qualifications are assigned to a work order.


   "ScheduledDateUtc": "2015-04-14T14:11:21",

The Scheduled Date and Time for the work to be started or the technician’s scheduled time to be on site. 


   "ScheduledDurationSeconds": 600,

The Scheduled Duration in Seconds that the work order job is estimated to take.  This value will not be overwritten by REVEAL’s calculation and will be used for reporting variances.


   "ScheduledDurationSeconds": 600,

The date and time when the work order’s status was applied.


   "WorkOrderNumber": "7BIGORG4",

Work Order Number is a required field for a work order to be created within REVEAL and must be unique within an account.


   "WorkOrderStatusCode": "Open"

Work Order Status Codes are created using the Planning and Scheduling – Work Order Status API.  All available work order status codes can be found within REVEAL’s Admin section under Work Order Preferences.  A work order status is used to update a work order’s lifecycle for tracking purposes.


POST Routist Work Orders

The POST Routist Work Order enables integrated users to create Routist work orders within a REVEAL account.


POST Routist Work Orders

POST Routist Work Orders Request Body


      "ActualDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.84",

      "ActualDurationSeconds": null,

      "Address": {

         "AddressLine1": "2780 Stillwell Avenue",

         "AddressLine2": "Suite 210",

         "Locality": "Coney Island",

         "AdministrativeArea": "NY",

         "PostalCode": "11224",

         "Country": "USA"


      "AddressResolved": true,

      "CreatedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

      "Description": "Uploaded",

      "DriverNumber": “12345”,

      "Latitude": 40.579506,

      "Longitude": -73.982422,

      "ModifiedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

      "OnSiteDurationSeconds": 0,

      "RadiusInKm": 0.2,

      "RoutingDetails": {

         "RoutePlanName": null,

         "Capacity1": 75,

         "Capacity2": 1,

         "Capacity3": 10,

         "CustomerName": "",

         "ContactName": "",

         "PhoneNumber": "",

         "Priority": 3,

         "TimeWindowBegin": {

            "Hour": 14,

            "Minute": 0


         "TimeWindowEnd": {

            "Hour": 18,

            "Minute": 0


         "Skills": [





      "ScheduledDateUtc": "2015-04-14T14:11:21",

      "ScheduledDurationSeconds": 600,

      "StatusChangeDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.84",

      "WorkOrderNumber": "7BIGORG4",

      "WorkOrderStatusCode": "Open"




POST Routist Work Orders Request Header

Operation and Path






 Atmosphere atmosphere_app_id=fleetmatics-p-eu-[ Verizon Connect App ID  ], Bearer [Authorization Token]

Note: The Token API must be called in order to retrieve a valid token to provide to all subsequent calls.


POST Routist Work Orders Sample Response


      "ActualDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.84",

      "ActualDurationSeconds": null,

      "Address": {

         "AddressLine1": "2780 Stillwell Avenue",

         "AddressLine2": "Suite 210",

         "Locality": "Coney Island",

         "AdministrativeArea": "NY",

         "PostalCode": "11224",

         "Country": "USA"


      "AddressResolved": true,

      "CreatedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

      "Description": "Uploaded",

      "DriverNumber": “12345”,

      "Latitude": 40.579506,

      "Longitude": -73.982422,

      "ModifiedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

      "OnSiteDurationSeconds": 0,

      "RadiusInKm": 0.2,

      "RoutingDetails": {

         "RoutePlanName": null,

         "Capacity1": 75,

         "Capacity2": 1,

         "Capacity3": 10,

         "CustomerName": "",

         "ContactName": "",

         "PhoneNumber": "",

         "Priority": 3,

         "TimeWindowBegin": {

            "Hour": 14,

            "Minute": 0


         "TimeWindowEnd": {

            "Hour": 18,

            "Minute": 0


         "Skills": [





      "ScheduledDateUtc": "2015-04-14T14:11:21",

      "ScheduledDurationSeconds": 600,

      "StatusChangeDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.84",

      "WorkOrderNumber": "7BIGORG4",

      "WorkOrderStatusCode": "Open"



POST Routist Work Orders Request Field Breakdown


[Accepted Format (JSON, XML, etc.)] Formatted Sample

Field Notes and Default Values


"ActualDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.84",


The Actual Date field is used when a PUT is invoked to change the Scheduled Date for a work order. 


"ActualDurationSeconds": null,


REVEAL will calculate the actual duration value based on the status information provided.  If no status information is provided this value may be provided by the work order provider.


"Address":       {

         "AddressLine1": "2780 Stillwell   Avenue",

         "AddressLine2": "Suite 210",

         "Locality": "Coney Island",

         "AdministrativeArea": "NY",

         "PostalCode": "11224",

         "Country": "USA"



Address contains the global standards for address components:

·       Address Line 1 – location specific identification such as a house number

·       Address Line 2 – additional information to identify location such as an apartment number

·       Locality – city, town, etc.

·       Administrative Area – state, province, etc.

·       Postal Code

·       Country

Address components are not required if the coordinates are provided for the work order.  If address components and coordinates are both provided, the work order will be created referencing the coordinates.


"AddressResolved": true,

This is a Boolean field.  When retrieving a work order’s details if the work order location was successfully geocoded by Google the flag will be set to true.


"CreatedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

The date and time stamp in UTC that the work order object was created within REVEAL.  The default value will be the current date and time stamp when the work order was invoked.


"Description": "Uploaded",

This is not a required field.  A string may be provided in order to display instructions or notes about the work order to the technician/driver. 


"DriverNumber": “12345”,

The Driver Number is the unique identifier that will be used to reference the driver within the API.  The Driver Number is not a mandatory field within the REVEAL account, but is required for the API.


"Latitude": 40.579506,

Either the Address components or the coordinates must be provided to create a work order.  If both the address and coordinate fields are supplied, the coordinates will be used for reference to geocode the work order’s location.


"Longitude": -73.982422,

Either the Address components or the coordinates must be provided to create a work order.  If both the address and coordinate fields are supplied, the coordinates will be used for reference to geocode the work order’s location.


"ModifiedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

If the work order object is modified after the creation date, the last modified date will be presented within the response.


"OnSiteDurationSeconds": 0,

This is not a required field.  If there is an estimate for the time that the technician should be on site at the work order the value may be provided in seconds.  Following the work order’s completion if status details were provided, this value will be overwritten with the status calculation to determine the on-site duration.


"RadiusInKm": 0.2,

The designated radius in kilometers used to create the radius around the work order.


   "RoutingDetails": {

         "RoutePlanName": null,

         "Capacity1": 75,

         "Capacity2": 1,

         "Capacity3": 10,

         "CustomerName": "",

         "ContactName": "",

         "PhoneNumber": "",

         "Priority": 3,


RoutingDetails contains specific information related to the route criteria for making an assignment:

·       RoutePlanName: Name associated with the work order’s route.

·       Capacity: Capacity fields are the truck limitations set by the customer. A capacity would be a numeric value for a weight limitation or number.  Up to three capacity fields are allowed, but none are required.  Drivers must be assigned to a vehicle to use this field.

·       Customer Name: Name associated with the work order.

·       Contact Name: Point of contact for the associated work order.

·       Phone Number: Phone number associated with the work order.

·       Priority: The ranking of the work order’s importance in relation to other existing work orders.  This will help to establish the order of stops as they are routed.


"TimeWindowBegin": {

            "Hour": 14,

            "Minute": 0


TimeWindowBegin is a threshold of time where the stop’s start time should occur, i.e. the stop should begin between 8 AM and 10 AM.


         "TimeWindowEnd": {

            "Hour": 18,

            "Minute": 0


TimeWindowEnd is a threshold of time where the stop’s end time should occur, i.e. the stop should end between 8 AM and 10 AM.


         "Skills": {






Skills can be associated with a work in order to establish driver-based criteria for when assignments are dispatched.  These attributes help to ensure the driver(s) with the proper qualifications are assigned to a work order.


   "ScheduledDateUtc": "2015-04-14T14:11:21",

The Scheduled Date and Time for the work to be started or the technician’s scheduled time to be on site. 


   "ScheduledDurationSeconds": 600,

The Scheduled Duration in Seconds that the work order job is estimated to take.  This value will not be overwritten by REVEAL’s calculation and will be used for reporting variances.


   "ScheduledDurationSeconds": 600,

The date and time when the work order’s status was applied.


   "WorkOrderNumber": "7BIGORG4",

Work Order Number is a required field for a work order to be created within REVEAL and must be unique within an account.


   "WorkOrderStatusCode": "Open"

Work Order Status Codes are created using the Planning and Scheduling – Work Order Status API.  All available work order status codes can be found within REVEAL’s Admin section under Work Order Preferences.  A work order status is used to update a work order’s lifecycle for tracking purposes.


PUT Routist Work Orders

The PUT Routist Work Order enables integrated users to update existing Routist work orders within a REVEAL account.


PUT Routist Work Orders by Work Order Number

PUT Routist Work Orders Request Body

Please note the following before proceeding:

·      Integrated users cannot update SKILLS for a Routist Work Order using this PUT Routist Work Order method.

·      When invoking the PUT Routist Work Order it is important to provide any existing information that was previously specified information for the work order that you do not want changed.  If you invoke the PUT method with NULLs for fields that were previously populated, the fields will be overridden with NULL values.



      "ActualDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.84",

      "ActualDurationSeconds": null,

      "Address": {

         "AddressLine1": "2780 Stillwell Avenue",

         "AddressLine2": "Suite 210",

         "Locality": "Coney Island",

         "AdministrativeArea": "NY",

         "PostalCode": "11224",

         "Country": "USA"


      "AddressResolved": true,

      "CreatedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

      "Description": "Uploaded",

      "DriverNumber": “12345”,

      "Latitude": 40.579506,

      "Longitude": -73.982422,

      "ModifiedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

      "OnSiteDurationSeconds": 0,

      "RadiusInKm": 0.2,

      "RoutingDetails": {

         "RoutePlanName": null,

         "Capacity1": 75,

         "Capacity2": 1,

         "Capacity3": 10,

         "CustomerName": "",

         "ContactName": "",

         "PhoneNumber": "",

         "Priority": 3,

         "TimeWindowBegin": {

            "Hour": 14,

            "Minute": 0


         "TimeWindowEnd": {

            "Hour": 18,

            "Minute": 0



      "ScheduledDateUtc": "2015-04-14T14:11:21",

      "ScheduledDurationSeconds": 600,

      "StatusChangeDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.84",

      "WorkOrderNumber": "7BIGORG4",

      "WorkOrderStatusCode": "Open"



PUT Routist Work Orders Request Header

Operation and Path

PUT{workordernumber} HTTP/1.1





 Atmosphere atmosphere_app_id=fleetmatics-p-eu-[ Verizon Connect App ID  ], Bearer [Authorization Token]

Note: The Token API must be called in order to retrieve a valid token to provide to all subsequent calls.


PUT Routist Work Orders Sample Response

PUT methods will not return an object review.  The response will be limited to a set of standard HTTP codes:

·      Successfully edited vehicles will return a 200 code

·      Unfound Vehicle Numbers, or the unique identifier used for the call, will return a 404 error

·      Bad requests, typically due to an error in the call’s content, will return a 400 error

·      Invalid tokens or an Authorization problem will return a 401 error

·      If the service is unavailable at the time the call was made a 500 error will return


PUT Routist Work Orders Response Field Breakdown


[Accepted Format (JSON, XML, etc.)] Formatted Sample

Field Notes and Default Values


"ActualDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.84",


The Actual Date field is used when a PUT is invoked to change the Scheduled Date for a work order. 


"ActualDurationSeconds": null,


REVEAL will calculate the actual duration value based on the status information provided.  If no status information is provided this value may be provided by the work order provider.


"Address": {

         "AddressLine1": "2780 Stillwell   Avenue",

         "AddressLine2": "Suite 210",

         "Locality": "Coney Island",

         "AdministrativeArea": "NY",

         "PostalCode": "11224",

         "Country": "USA"



Address contains the global standards for address components:

·       Address Line 1 – location specific identification such as a house number

·       Address Line 2 – additional information to identify location such as an apartment number

·       Locality – city, town, etc.

·       Administrative Area – state, province, etc.

·       Postal Code

·       Country

Address components are not required if the coordinates are provided for the work order.  If address components and coordinates are both provided, the work order will be created referencing the coordinates.


"AddressResolved": true,

This is a Boolean field.  When retrieving a work order’s details if the work order location was successfully geocoded by Google the flag will be set to true.


"CreatedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

The date and time stamp in UTC that the work order object was created within REVEAL.  The default value will be the current date and time stamp when the work order was invoked.


"Description": "Uploaded",

This is not a required field.  A string may be provided in order to display instructions or notes about the work order to the technician/driver. 


"DriverNumber": “12345”,

The Driver Number is the unique identifier that will be used to reference the driver within the API.  The Driver Number is not a mandatory field within the REVEAL account, but is required for the API.


"Latitude": 40.579506,

Either the Address components or the coordinates must be provided to create a work order.  If both the address and coordinate fields are supplied, the coordinates will be used for reference to geocode the work order’s location.


"Longitude": -73.982422,

Either the Address components or the coordinates must be provided to create a work order.  If both the address and coordinate fields are supplied, the coordinates will be used for reference to geocode the work order’s location.


"ModifiedDateUtc": "2015-04-13T13:15:49.81",

If the work order object is modified after the creation date, the last modified date will be presented within the response.


"OnSiteDurationSeconds": 0,

This is not a required field.  If there is an estimate for the time that the technician should be on site at the work order the value may be provided in seconds.  Following the work order’s completion if status details were provided, this value will be overwritten with the status calculation to determine the on-site duration.


"RadiusInKm": 0.2,

The designated radius in kilometers used to create the radius around the work order.


   "RoutingDetails": {

         "RoutePlanName": null,

         "Capacity1": 75,

         "Capacity2": 1,

         "Capacity3": 10,

         "CustomerName": "",

         "ContactName": "",

         "PhoneNumber": "",

         "Priority": 3,


RoutingDetails contains specific information related to the route criteria for making an assignment:

·       RoutePlanName: Name associated with the work order’s route.

·       Capacity: Capacity fields are the truck limitations set by the customer. A capacity would be a numeric value for a weight limitation or number.  Up to three capacity fields are allowed, but none are required.  Drivers must be assigned to a vehicle to use this field.

·       Customer Name: Name associated with the work order.

·       Contact Name: Point of contact for the associated work order.

·       Phone Number: Phone number associated with the work order.

·       Priority: The ranking of the work order’s importance in relation to other existing work orders.  This will help to establish the order of stops as they are routed.


"TimeWindowBegin": {

            "Hour": 14,

            "Minute": 0


TimeWindowBegin is a threshold of time where the stop’s start time should occur, i.e. the stop should begin between 8 AM and 10 AM.


         "TimeWindowEnd": {

            "Hour": 18,

            "Minute": 0


TimeWindowEnd is a threshold of time where the stop’s end time should occur, i.e. the stop should end between 8 AM and 10 AM.


   "ScheduledDateUtc": "2015-04-14T14:11:21",

The Scheduled Date and Time for the work to be started or the technician’s scheduled time to be on site. 


   "ScheduledDurationSeconds": 600,

The Scheduled Duration in Seconds that the work order job is estimated to take.  This value will not be overwritten by REVEAL’s calculation and will be used for reporting variances.


   "ScheduledDurationSeconds": 600,

The date and time when the work order’s status was applied.


   "WorkOrderNumber": "7BIGORG4",

Work Order Number is a required field for a work order to be created within REVEAL and must be unique within an account.


   "WorkOrderStatusCode": "Open"

Work Order Status Codes are created using the Planning and Scheduling – Work Order Status API.  All available work order status codes can be found within REVEAL’s Admin section under Work Order Preferences.  A work order status is used to update a work order’s lifecycle for tracking purposes.